If you haven't delved into the wonderful world of unit testing and mock objects, here is a quick summary of my current recommended approach to using Rhino Mocks, my current mock testing framework of choice.

Why Rhino Mocks?
It is the most flexible mocking framework I've found and it is easy enough to use once you understand how.  (there is a slight learning curve)

The two main types of mocks that I recommend:

What: Will fail if anything unexpected occurs
When To Use: When adding unit tests to pre-existing code, especially unfamiliar code
Pro: High confidence that code is thoroughly tested
Con: Tests are more coupled to the methods that they test

What: Will ignore unexpected function calls and will only fail if explicit expectations fail
When To Use: When writing new code using Test-Driven Development
Pro: Less coupling
Con: Potential for false positives

Here is example code showing how to use both.  Try stepping through the code in visual studio's debugger to see how it works!

    public interface IMath
        void Init();
        int Mult(int i, int j);

    public class Class1
    { // (this is the method that is being tested in this example!!!)
        public int DoIt(IMath m, int x, int y)
            return m.Mult(x, y);

    public class Class1Test
        public void MultiplyTestStrict()
            MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
            IMath mockMath = mocks.StrictMock<IMath>();
            using (mocks.Record())
                mockMath.Stub(x => x.Init()); // must be included since it is a strict mock
                mockMath.Expect(x => x.Mult(Arg<int>.Is.Equal(2), Arg<int>.Is.Equal(2))).Return(4);
            using (mocks.Playback())
                Class1 instance = new Class1();
                int iResult = instance.DoIt(mockMath, 2, 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(iResult, 4);

        public void MultiplyTestDynamic()
            MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
            IMath mockMath = mocks.DynamicMock<IMath>();
            using (mocks.Record())
                // don't need to explicitly include Init() here because any unknown function calls will be ignored
                mockMath.Expect(x => x.Mult(Arg<int>.Is.Equal(2), Arg<int>.Is.Equal(2))).Return(4);
            using (mocks.Playback())
                Class1 instance = new Class1();
                int iResult = instance.DoIt(mockMath, 2, 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(iResult, 4);

        public void MultiplyTestDynamicAlternateSyntax()
            var mockMath = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMath>();

            // arrange
            mockMath.Expect(x => x.Mult(2, 2)).Return(4);

            // act
            Class1 instance = new Class1();
            int iResult = instance.DoIt(mockMath, 2, 2);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(4, iResult);

For ordered expectations:
MockRepository repository = new MockRepository();
using (repository.Ordered())
// set some ordered expectations
using (repository.Playback())
// test

To accept arbitrary parameter but still act upon it:
				mockThreadFactory.Expect(x => x.Start(Arg<ParameterizedThreadStart>.Is.Anything, Arg<DBExportLib.Util.PackageUpXMLThreadComm>.Is.Anything, Arg<string>.Is.Anything))
					.WhenCalled(invocation =>
						DBExportLib.Util.PackageUpXMLThreadComm comm = invocation.Arguments[1] as DBExportLib.Util.PackageUpXMLThreadComm;
						comm.m_bSuccess = true;

To compare the contents of two lists for equality: (unit test related, not necessarily related to mocks but I use this all the time)
(requires "using System.Linq" at the top of the .cs file, no reference apparently needed)

See http://ayende.com/wiki/Rhino+Mocks+3.5.ashx for a more thorough reference.